1 January 2014

HOCHTIEF has been considered by an independent experts council as one of the strongest brand in the Polish market.

HOCHTIEF has been awarded the Business Superbrands 2013/2014* title in the category construction on the Polish market. In this year's edition brands were rated by independent Superbrands Council which consists of Polish business representatives, capital markets representatives as well as business media, brand strategists and image makers. A two-step certification process included expert nominations and Superbrands Council proceeding in October 2013. Brands which have received nominations from more than 60 percent of the experts, automatically awarded the Business Superbrands title.

The first Polish Superbrands edition took place 2005. Companies are not allowed to apply to the programme. Only brands which pass the selection process are able to receive the Superbrands status. Currently, Superbrands operates in 87 countries.

* www.superbrands.pl