HOCHTIEF Polska is a partner in the campaign “Work Safety in Construction – Falls, Slips” under the motto “Respect life! Safe work at heights”. The campaign’s organizers, the National Labour Inspectorate and the Social Insurance Institution, started on June 15 the third edition of the campaign.
The Campaign aims to raise awareness of the effects of occupational hazards in construction industry (particularly work at heights). The campaign shows how big role to ensure safety in construction industry are: fair conduct initial and periodic training of OSH, providing instruction based on properly conducted risk assessment and tailored to the perceptions of employees, compliance requirements for medical examinations as well as competent direct supervision over employees.
The recipient of this year’s activities are primarily employers, entrepreneurs and people, who are responsible for organizing and supervising of workers preparation for work (including initial training, providing instruction and direct supervision of employees on site).
The campaign is also supported by: Bilfinger Berger Budownictwo S.A., Budimex S.A., HOCHTIEF Polska S.A., Mostostal Warszawa S.A., Polimex-Mostostal S.A., Skanska S.A., Warbud S.A. and Polski Związek Inżynierów i Techników Budownictwa, Związek Zawodowy „Budowlani” i Huck Polska Sp. z o.o., Riwal Poland Sp. z o.o., Cramo Sp. z o.o.
The campaign is open to all interested employers and investors. Construction industry companies can support it by displaying banners with the campaign motto “Respect life! Safe work at heights” on their construction projects. More information about the campaign is available at www.bezupadku.pl
Small construction companies may also join the program. Companies which implement solutions to improve security, and receive a positive safety situation assessment during the audit conducted by the labour inspector, will receive a certificate of participation.
This is the third edition of the National Labour Inspectorate media campaign for work safety in construction. The first edition in 2009 was addressed directly to construction workers working at heights. The second edition in 2010 was addressed to employers, entrepreneurs as well as people from the construction branch who are responsible for making investments decisions on occupational safety. The campaign aimed to raise awareness of the effects of occupational hazards in the construction industry and to promote the benefits of investing in safe workplaces, and ultimately improve safety in the construction industry and reduce the number of accidents at work.
Another example of cooperative activities undertaken by construction companies to improve safety at construction sites is signing the Declaration on the Agreement for Work Safety in Construction. The initiator and one of the signatories to the agreement is the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians (PZITB). The initiative aims to implement a joint program of reducing accidents in the construction industry.
In March 2011, HOCHTIEF Polska, as one of the signatories of the “Declaration on the Agreement on Safety in Construction Industry” signed two documents developed under the existing works for the improvement of occupational safety on construction sites:
– Standard of the minimum requirements for subcontractors – contractual arrangements,
– Standard of the minimum requirements for subcontractors – training and additional qualifications.