1 January 2014

On April 23, 2007 HOCHTIEF Polska received three renowned industry awards. In the Platinum Drill competition, the Company received two awards in the public utility construction category: for the Aula Nova Concert Hall of the Music Academy in Poznan and for the Qubus Hotel in Krakow. On the same day, the British Polish Chamber of Commerce distinguished HOCHTIEF Polska with the title of the “BPCC Company of the Year 2007” in the Large Enterprises category.

The awards gala of the 11th Edition of the Platinum Drill Competition organised by Bosch-Elektronarzędzia took place on April 23, 2007 in the Rondo 1 Building in Warsaw. During the ceremony, HOCHTIEF Polska was granted two awards. HOCHTIEF Polska Poz-Building Branch won the Golden Drill Award in the category of public utility buildings for the construction of the Aula Nova Concert Hall of the Music Academy in Poznan. In the same category, a Silver Drill Award was granted to Kpis-Cracovia, the Krakow-based branch of HOCHTIEF Polska, in recognition for the construction the Qubus Hotel in Krakow. The goal of the nationwide Platinum Drill Competition is to promote modern construction achievements which are distinguished by their high quality of execution and innovative architectural solutions.

On the same day, Mr Andrzej Rybarczyk, the Vice President of the Board of HOCHTIEF Polska received an award of the British Polish Chamber of Commerce, which was handed over to him by the Chairman of BPCC Council of Directors, Mr David Thomas, and by Mr Paweł Poncyliusz, the Polish Deputy Minister of Economy. BPCC distinguished HOCHTIEF Polska with the title of the “BPCC Company of the Year 2007” for the remarkable achievements in the implementation of construction projects in Poland, emphasising the stable growth of sales and investments of the Company, its involvement in the issues of social responsibility of the business, the focus on the development of their staff and its natural environment protection efforts. The awards gala was held at the Novotel Hotel in Warsaw.